Saturday, 18 May 2019

Principaux avantages de la maîtrise de la langue arabe

Depuis son évolution au IVe siècle après J.-C., la langue arabe, parlée dans les déserts syriens, a parcouru un long chemin, devenant l'une des langues les plus parlées au monde. La langue arabe trouve ses racines et ses origines dans le groupe des langues afro-asiatiques. Bien que la plupart de ses modes de communication soient devenus obsolètes, l'hébreu et l'arabe sont encore verbalisés et parlés par la majorité de la population, répartie dans le monde entier. Peu de gens savent que la langue arabe s'est méritée la distinction d'être la 5ème langue la plus parlée dans le monde.

Bien que l'arabe soit principalement parlé par les communautés musulmanes résidant dans divers pays arabes, il est aujourd'hui accepté par les Nations Unies, qui en ont fait la sixième langue officielle, grâce à son usage mondial. Voici quelques-uns des principaux avantages obtenus par les personnes qui maîtrisent la langue arabe ou qui étudient l'arabe en ligne.

Langue officiellement certifiée du Coran

Le Coran, un texte sacré lu et vénéré par la population musulmane, a été écrit en langue arabe, qui a maintenant été officiellement certifié.

Forte demande de locuteurs de langue arabe dans les pays occidentaux
Grâce aux pays occidentaux qui ont détourné leur attention vers le Moyen-Orient, en raison de meilleures perspectives d'affaires, il y a une demande énorme pour des personnes ayant une connaissance approfondie de la langue arabe. La plupart des multinationales, apprennent l'arabe au Maroc et ont des intérêts commerciaux au Moyen-Orient, embauchent des employés arabophones, qui peuvent interagir avec la population locale d'une manière meilleure et efficace. Vous pouvez facilement apprendre l'arabe en ligne sans aller nulle part.

La langue arabe aide à mieux comprendre la culture arabe
Pour comprendre toute civilisation et sa culture, étudier l'arabe au Maroc en maîtrisant la langue locale, est l'une des conditions essentielles. Avec les pays arabes qui deviennent rapidement un centre d'attraction pour le commerce mondial, de plus en plus de gens optent pour la maîtrise de la langue arabe, pour une communication efficace. Et, grâce à la croissance de l'économie mondiale, plusieurs nouveaux débouchés s'ouvrent dans la région du Moyen-Orient. Par conséquent, les personnes qui préfèrent s'installer et explorer de nouvelles avenues au Moyen-Orient sont en train d'apprendre la langue arabe, afin de mieux comprendre le contexte culturel et les préférences des habitants du Moyen-Orient. 

Utile pour les personnes qui pratiquent le Hadj
Il y a une énorme augmentation de la foule pendant le mois saint de Dhu al-Hijjah, les musulmans du monde entier visitant Kaaba, les lieux de culte sacrés situés respectivement à La Mecque et à Médine. Cependant, tous les musulmans ne maîtrisent pas bien la langue arabe, ce qui les empêche de communiquer efficacement. En gardant une connaissance de base de la langue arabe, les gens, qui sont en train d'accomplir le Hadj, peuvent remplir leurs obligations religieuses sans aucun problème ou obstacle.

pour plus d'informations : - Apprendre l'arabe à Marrakech

Friday, 10 May 2019

Major Benefits of Mastering Arabic Language

Ever since its evolution in the 4th century A.D, Arabic language, which was spoken in the Syrian deserts, has come a long way, getting promoted to being amongst one of the world’s most spoken languages. Arabic language finds its roots and origins from Afro-Asiatic group of languages. Although, most of its communication modes have become obsolete, Hebrew and Arabic are still being verbalized and spoken by most of the population, spread all over the world. Not many may be aware of the fact that, Arabic language has earned the distinction of being 5th most spoken languages all over the globe.

Although, Arabic is mostly spoken by Muslim communities residing in various Arab countries, it has now found acceptance by the United Nations, which has included the language as the 6th official form of speech, thanks to its global usage. Here are some of the major benefits obtained by people having mastered Arabic language or study Arabic online.

Officially certified language of the Quran
Quran, a holy scripture read and revered by Muslim population, has been written in Arabic language, which has now been officially certified.

Huge demand for Arabic language speakers in western countries
Thanks to western countries having diverted their attention to Middle East, due to better business prospects, there is a huge demand for people keeping thorough knowledge of Arabic language. Most of the multinational companies, learn Arabic in morocco and  having business interests in Middle East, hire Arabic speaking employees, who can interact with the locals in a better and effective manner. You can easily learn Arabic online without going anywhere.

Arabic language helps in better understanding of Arabic culture
In order to understand any civilization and its culture, study arabic in morocco by  mastering the local language, is one of the most essential requisites. With, Arab countries fast becoming a center of attraction as far as World Trading is concerned, more and more people are opting to master Arabic language, for effective communication. And, thanks to growth of global economy, there are several new openings being witnessed in the Middle East region. Therefore, people preferring to settle down and explore new avenues in the Middle East, are now in the process of learning Arabic language, so as to help them understand the cultural background and preferences of the locals in a better manner.

Useful for people performing Hajj
There is a huge surge in the crowd witnessed during the Holy month of Dhu al-Hijjah, with Muslims all over the world visiting Kaaba, the sacred places of worship located in Makkah and Madina respectively. However, not every Muslim is well versed in Arabic language, thereby making it difficult for them to communicate effectively. By, keeping basic knowledge of Arabic language, people, out for performing the Hajj, can fulfill their religious obligations sans any hitches and hurdles.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Major Benefits of Mastering Arabic Language

Ever since its evolution in the 4th century A.D, Arabic language, which was spoken in the Syrian deserts, has come a long way, getting promoted to being amongst one of the world’s most spoken languages. Arabic language finds its roots and origins from Afro-Asiatic group of languages. Although, most of its communication modes have become obsolete, Hebrew and Arabic are still being verbalized and spoken by most of the population, spread all over the world. Not many may be aware of the fact that, Arabic language has earned the distinction of being 5th most spoken languages all over the globe.

Although, Arabic is mostly spoken by Muslim communities residing in various Arab countries, it has now found acceptance by the United Nations, which has included the language as the 6th official form of speech, thanks to its global usage. Here are some of the major benefits obtained by people having mastered Arabic language or study Arabic online.

Officially certified language of the Quran
Quran, a holy scripture read and revered by Muslim population, has been written in Arabic language, which has now been officially certified.

Huge demand for Arabic language speakers in western countries
Thanks to western countries having diverted their attention to Middle East, due to better business prospects, there is a huge demand for people keeping thorough knowledge of Arabic language. Most of the multinational companies, learn Arabic in morocco and  having business interests in Middle East, hire Arabic speaking employees, who can interact with the locals in a better and effective manner. You can easily learn Arabic online without going anywhere.

Arabic language helps in better understanding of Arabic culture
In order to understand any civilization and its culture, study arabic in morocco by  mastering the local language, is one of the most essential requisites. With, Arab countries fast becoming a center of attraction as far as World Trading is concerned, Study arabic in Marrakech more and more people are opting to master Arabic language, for effective communication. And, thanks to growth of global economy, there are several new openings being witnessed in the Middle East region. Therefore, people preferring to settle down and explore new avenues in the Middle East, are now in the process of learning Arabic language, so as to help them understand the cultural background and preferences of the locals in a better manner.

Useful for people performing Hajj
There is a huge surge in the crowd witnessed during the Holy month of Dhu al-Hijjah, with Muslims all over the world visiting Kaaba, the sacred places of worship located in Makkah and Madina respectively. However, not every Muslim is well versed in Arabic language, thereby making it difficult for them to communicate effectively. By, keeping basic knowledge of Arabic language, people, out for performing the Hajj, can fulfill their religious obligations sans any hitches and hurdles.

For more info : - Study arabic in Marrakech